Web Site Links for Molecular Biologists

The sum of visitor since 10/4/1998: Today:
1) Bibliographic Databases
ingenta (ingenta.com)Title search of biological and medical journal
OMIM (NCBI)Human genetic disease database
TXSearch (National Institute of Genetics)Taxomony database
2) Other Databases
TBASE (ORNL)Gene recombination animal database
TRANSFAC (GBF)Transcription factor database
3) Multifunctional Site
JAMBW (EMBL-heidelberg)Translation, dotplot, etc.
BJava-based, on-line biomolecular modeling package
BioRuby (BioRuby project)Integrated Bioinformatics environment by Ruby
4) Guide, Manual, etc.
GCG manual (RIKEN)
5) Genotyping
Genetic mapping homepageExplanation of genetic statistics