ゲノムネット(東大・京大) | pir, Swiss-Prot, PDBSTR, PRF, etc. |
PIR | タンパク質アミノ酸配列データベース |
Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL | タンパク質アミノ酸配列データベース |
ENZYME (SIB) | Enzyme nomenclature database |
PKR (SDSC) | Protein Kinase Resource |
PROSITE (SIB) | Database of protein families and domains |
PDB(RCSB) | タンパク質立体構造データベース |
PDB (大阪大学) | タンパク質立体構造データベース |
SCOP (MRC) | Structural Classification of Proteins |
GTOP (国立遺伝研) | 全ゲノム立体構造予測データベース |
SWISS-MODEL Repository (SIB) | A database of automatically generated protein models |
Mod Base (Andrej Sali Lab) | a daetabase of three-dimensional protein models calculated by comparative modeling |
LigBase (Andrej S ali Lab) | A Structural Database of Aligned Ligand Binding Sites |
Pfam (Sanger Centre) | protein domain familiy データベース |
FSSP (EBI) | Fold classification based on Structure-Structure alignment of Proteins |
ゲノムネット(東大・京大) | PROSITE |
3次元モチーフ検索(豊橋技術科学大学) | |
Key (Columbia Univ.) | Key Residue Assignments |
MELINA (東大医科学研究所) | Motif Extraction from Promoter Regions of Potentially Co-Regulated Genes |
YEBISU (JST) | モチーフ抽出 |
XdomView (NUS) | A Graphical Tool for Protein Domain and Exon Position Visualization(new) |
JPred(University of Dandee) | consensus method |
Prof (University of Wales) | Secondary Structure Prediction using Cascaded Mutiple Classifers |
NNPREDICT (UCSF) | ニューラルネットワーク |
PHD (EMBL) | ニューラルネットワーク&マルチプルアラインメント |
PREDATOR (EMBL) | ニューラルネッ トワーク&マルチプルアラインメント |
SOSUI(東京農工大・生命工学科) | 膜タンパクの2次構造予測 |
TMHMM (CBS, The Technical University of Denmark) | Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins |
SSThread(国立遺伝研) | 3D-1D法による蛋白質の2次構造予測 |
DSSP (CmBi) | database of secondary structure assignments |
4-1) Homology Modeling
Swiss-Model (ExPASy) | Homology Modeling etc. |
CPHmodels (Tech. Univ. Denmark) | predicts protein structure using comparative (homology) modelling. |
SAM-T98 (UCSC) | Sequence Alignment and Modeling System using HMM |
joy (University of Cambridge) | protein structure and alignment analysis |
ESyPred3D | (The University of Namur) |
SDSC1 (San Diego Supercomputer Center) | Homology Modeling |
3D-JIGSAW (ICRF) | Homology Modeling |
Geno3D (PBIL) | Homology Modeling(new) |
4-2) 構造比較
CE/CL (SDSC) | Finding 3-D Similarities in Protein Structures |
CATH (UCL) | Protein Structure Classification |
SAWTED (Imperial Cancer Research Fund) | Structure Assignme nt With Text Description |
3D-PSSM (Imperial College of Science) | Protein Fold Recog nition |
DALI (EBI) | comparing protein structures in 3D |
SARF2 (NCI, USA) | Spatial ARangement of backbone Fragments |
Vast Search (NCBI) | viewing superpositions and alignments by molecular graphics(new) |
Model Quality Assessment (columbia Univ.) | Global_Assessment is a method for global quality assessment of protein models; Local_Assessment is a method for local quality assessment of protein models. |
4-3) 3D-1D/Threading
LIBRA (国立遺伝研) | 3D-1D法 |
123D+ (NCI, USA) | Threading a sequence through a set of structures |
4-4) Viewer
Protein Explorer(UMass) | Javaによる蛋白質の立体構造表示 |
WebMol(EMBL) | Javaによる蛋白質の立体構造表示 |
ClustalW(ゲノムネット) | clustalW |
国立遺伝研 | clustalW |
AMAS (EBI) | Analyse Multiply Aligned Sequences |
Jalview (EBI) | java multiple alignment editor |
CINEMA (University of Manchester) | Colour INteractive Editor for Multiple Alignments |
The University of Namur (Belgium) | Match_Box |
Parallel PRRN (東大・医科学研究所/埼玉県立ガンセンター) | 高感度マルチプルアラインメントプログラム |
新情報処理開発機構並列応用つくば研究室) | (構造検索・相同性検索・マルチプルアライメント 二次構造予測・転写因子結合部位予測 PDB代表タンパク質チェインDB) |
3DALIGN (HGC) | protein structure alignment |
Family Pairwise Search (SDSC, UCSC) | protein family classification |
GeneFIND (PIR/Univ. of Texas Health Center at Tyler) | Protein Family の Identification |
PredAcc (INSERM U155) | 側鎖の solvent accessibility 予測 |
GRASS Browser (Columbia Univ.) | Graphical Representation and Analysis of Structure Server |
SignalP (CBS, The Technical University of Denmark) | signal peptide cleavage sites 予測 |
PSORT(東大・医科学研究所) | Protein Sorting Signal と Localization Site の予測 |
CDART (NCBI) | Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool(new) |
SWISS-2DPAGE (ExPASy) | Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis database(new) |
InterPre TS (EMBL) | Interaction Prediction through Tertiary Structure(new) |