Web Site Links for Genome Analysis Services

Analysis of Protein Data

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1) Detabase Search

1-1) Amino Acid Sequence Databases

Genome Net (The University of Tokyo and Kyoto university)Pir, Swiss-Prot, PDBSTR, PRF, etc.
PIRProtein sequence database
Swiss-Prot and TrEMBLProtein sequence database

1-2) Protein Database on Each Protein family

ENZYME (SIB)Enzyme nomenclature database
PKR (SDSC)Protein kinase resource
PROSITE (SIB) Database of protein families and domains

1-3) Protein 3D Structure Database

PDB(RCSB)Database of protein 3D structures
PDBj (Osaka University)Database of protein 3D structures
SCOP (MRC)Structural classification of proteins
GTOP (National Institute of Genetics)Genomes to protein structures and functions
SWISS-MODEL Repository (SIB)Database of automatically generated protein models
Mod Base (Andrej Sali Lab)Database of 3D protein models calculated by comparative modeling

1-4) Others

Pfam (Sanger Centre)Protein domain familiy database
HOMSTRAD (Univ. Cambridge)Homologous structure alignment database
SPIN-PP Server (Columbia Univ.)Surface properties of interfaces: Protein-protein Interfaces
FSSP (EBI)Fold classification based on structure-structure alignment of proteins

2) Motif and Domain Analysis

Genome Net (The University of Tokyo and Kyoto University)PROSITE
3D motif search (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Key (Columbia Univ.)Key residue assignments
MELINA (The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)Motif extraction from promoter regions of potentially co-regulated genes
YEBISU (JST)Motif extracion
XdomView (NUS)Graphical tool for protein domain and exon position visualization

3) 2D Structure Prediction and Assignment

JPred(University of Dandee)Cconsensus method
Prof (University of Wales)2D structure prediction using cascaded mutiple classifers
NNPREDICT (UCSF)Neural network
PHD (EMBL)Neural network & multiple alignment
PREDATOR (EMBL) Neural Network & Multiple Alignment
SOSUI(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)2D structure prediction for membrane protein
TMHMM (CBS, The Technical University of Denmark)Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins
SSThread (National Institute of Genetics) 2D structure prediction by using 3D-1D method
DSSP (CmBi)Database of 2D structure assignments

4) 3D Structural Analysis

4-1) Homology Modeling

Swiss-Model (ExPASy)Homology modeling etc.
CPHmodels (Tech. Univ. Denmark)Predicts protein structure using comparative (homology) modeling
SAM-T98 (UCSC)Sequence alignment and modeling system using HMM
joy (University of Cambridge)Protein structure and alignment analysis
ESyPred3D(The University of Namur)
SDSC1 (San Diego Supercomputer Center)Homology modeling
3D-JIGSAW (ICRF)Homology modeling
Geno3D (PBIL)Homology modeling

4-2) Structural Comparison

CE/CL (SDSC)Finding 3D similarities in protein structures
CATH (UCL)Protein structure classification
SAWTED (Imperial Cancer Research Fund)Structure assignment with text description
3D-PSSM (Imperial College of Science)Protein fold recognition
DALI (EBI)Comparing 3D protein structures
SARF2 (NCI, USA)Spatial arrangement of backbone fragments
Vast Search (NCBI)Viewing superpositions and alignments by molecular graphics

4-3) 3D-1D/Threading

LIBRA (National Institute of Genetics)3D-1D method
123D+ (NCI, USA)Threading a sequence through a set of structures

4-4) Viewers

Protein Explorer(UMass)Display of Protein 3D structure by using Java
WebMol(EMBL)Display of Protein 3D structure by using Java

5) Multiple Alignment

ClustalW(Genome Net)clustalW
National Institute of Genetics clustalW
AMAS (EBI)Analyse multiply aligned sequences
Jalview (EBI)java multiple alignment editor
CINEMA (University of Manchester)Colour interactive editor for multiple alignments
The University of Namur (Belgium)Match_Box
Parallel PRRN (The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo/Saitama Cancer Center)High sensitivity multiple alignment program

6) Multipurpose Sites

PAPIA (AIST) Structure search, Homology search, Multiple alignment, 2D Structure prediction, and so on.

7) Others

3DALIGN (HGC)Protein structure alignment
Family Pairwise Search (SDSC, UCSC)Protein family classification
GeneFIND (PIR/Univ. of Texas Health Center at Tyler)Identification of protein family
PredAcc (INSERM U155) Prediction of sidechain solvent accessibility
GRASS Browser (Columbia Univ.)Graphical representation and analysis of structure server
SignalP (CBS, The Technical University of Denmark)Prediction of signal peptide cleavage sites
PSORT(The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)Prediction of protein sorting signal and localization sites
CDART (NCBI)Conserved domain architecture retrieval tool
SWISS-2DPAGE (ExPASy)Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis database
InterPre TS (EMBL)Interaction prediction through 3D structures