ETHZ e-mail server

The Computational Biochemistry Research Group (CBRG) at the ETH in
Zurich  offers  a computing server accessible by e-mail.  Usage is
free  of  charge  and  open  to all researchers who have access to
internet electronic mail.

Queries must be prepared and sent in the appropriate format.  Once
processed,  the  results  are returned by e-mail.  Turnaround time
depends upon the load of our machines, the delay of the electronic
mail  networks and the complexity of the query.  The CBRG gives no
guarantees,  nor  assumes  any  responsibility for this turnaround
time.  All requests will be processed on a first-come first-served

This  server  is  experimental,  and  may  still  have  some minor
problems. If you encounter any difficulty in its operation we will
appreciate your comments/suggestions for improvements.

All  the  queries  submitted  to the system are processed with the
Darwin system and publicly available databases.  In general, these
results  could  be  reproduced  by  any user who obtains a copy of
Darwin  and  a  copy of the databases.  Darwin is also distributed
without charge by the CBRG.

Requests should be mailed to

Please report problems with the server to

The  first  line  of  any  request  should  contain  the requested
service.  Each  e-mail  message can only contain one request.  The
subject line of the message is ignored.  Since this line is echoed
back,  users  may  use  this  line to identify their requests when
making more than one. Presently, our automatic server supports the
following services:

Help or
Info or
Help all
Help news

This  file,  or  when a service name is specified as a topic, more
detailed  information  on  that  particular  request.  If topic is
"all", the help file for each function is sent. Help news send the
news about the automatic server. For example (in unix):

	% mail
	Help PepPepSearch


AminoAcidSequence (may be in several lines)

    Search the given amino acid sequence against the entire
    SwissProt peptide database using Smith-Waterman's version
    of dynamic programming.

NucleotideSequence (may be in several lines)

    Search the given nucleotide sequence directly against the
    entire SwissProt peptide database using the algorithm by
    Knecht and Gonnet.

PeptideSequence (may be in several lines)

    Search the given amino acid sequence directly against the
    entire EMBL nucleotide database using the algorithm by
    Knecht and Gonnet.

IDs, AccessionNumbers and sequences (separated by commas, terminate
                with ".")
Commands	(one or many, separated by commas or spaces)

    Do an all-against-all of the given sequences and use these
    results to do (requested by "Commands"):
	PamData - get pam distance and variance data
	PhyloTree, RootedTree - PostScript phylogenetic trees of
                                the sequences
	SplitData, SplitGraph - isolation indices and graphs
	2DPlacement - an approximate 2D placement of the sequences
	MulAlignment - a multiple alignment of the sequences
	ProbAncestral - compute the probabilistic ancestral sequence
		        of the sequences
	KWIndex, ProbIndex, ScaleIndex - variation indices
	SIAPrediction - Surface/Inside/Active site prediction
                        according to the ETH method

DigesterName Weights (the Digester name must be one of the digesters
                      listed in "Help MassSearch",
		      the weights are numbers separated by spaces
		      or commas)

    Search the SwissProt database for sequences which when digested
    by the given enzyme will match the given set of weights.

SelectionExpression (Darwin expression evaluating to boolean)
OutputClause        (printf argument list)

    Search the all against all database of SwissProt for matches
    selected by SelectionExpression and output them in the format
    specified by OutputClause.

Darwin-commands  (a program or as many commands as desired)

    Run the given Darwin commands.  The user is completely responsible
    for the syntax and semantics of the program.
