Annotation Helper

Result ID=

Input nucleotide or amino acid sequence in multifasta format

Level of similarity:
low limit from maximum score %

Select Database (If CD search were selected you can use Cdd database only.)
Check for database status
Number of annotation
Comment to the result:


clear all See sample for Nucleotide or Amino acid /
return to study index to Japanese page
To prevent abuse of this system, your IP address and E-mail address input will be logged
This program is developed to help annotating gene functions.
This program uses BLAST program. The result is modified to make the results easy-to-read ones.

Available databases are as follows:
NCBI no-redundant
Human genome UCSC hg18(blastn or tblastx only)
Mouse genome UCSC mm8(blastn or tblastx only)
Human Invitational 4.0 (blastn ot tblastx only)
FANTOM 3.00 (blastn ot tblastx only)
Human UniGene Build #203 (blastn or tblastx only)
Mouse UniGene Build #164 (blastn or tblastx only)
Human RefSeq October 18, 2006 (blastn or tblastx only)
Mouse RefSeq October 18, 2006 (blastn or tblastx only)